Monday, March 28, 2011

Keep track of your time

ADA # 35 - Keep Track Of Your Time

Keep a tab on how much time you spend surfing the web, watching TV, chatting on the phone or just whiling away the hours. You will then be able to work out on how you can make use of your time more constructively and not feel hard-pressed for time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Be happy with folate

ADA #34 - Be Happy With Folate
To beat depressive moods increase your serotonin level with a supplement of folate.  Studies show that when the body’s ability to produce serotonin decline and the blues come, folate is an effective remedy.  Up your folate intake the natural way with more beans, lentils, leafy green vegetables and fruits in your meals.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Please yourself

ADA # 33 - Please Yourself

Do not be a slave to peer pressure. Choose activities you are good at or that you like instead of just pleasing your friends.  Being actively involved in activities such as art, dancing or music can have tremendous therapeutic and satisfying rewards.  Join a club, be cool and help save the environment. You will be surprised at the positive vibes you get from such activities.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have patience

ADA # 32 - Have Patience

When taking antidepressants, remember that it takes time to work. Though you may feel better, the full effect may not be seen for several weeks or months. So be patient and follow your doctor’s advice and stay on course.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

No rush jobs

ADA # 31 - No Rush Jobs

“A Stitch In-Time Saves Nine”, remember this phrase we learnt so long ago during our primary school days?  Don’t rush through your job where you may make careless mistakes or done not according to your expectations.  Take a little more care to do a proper job and you will save time having to re-do an unsatisfactory piece of work.