Friday, October 29, 2010

ADA #10- Eat your magnesiums

Magnesium helps reduce palpitations, muscle cramps and menopausal symptoms. Some studies have shown that it reduces blood pressure as well.

So make sure you are getting enough of it by eating lots of geen leafy vegetables, sweet corn, seeds or raisins.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Get a mentor

ADA - #9 Get a mentor

At what ever stage of life you are in, you will benefit from a life mentor. Find someone older and wiser and keep communicating so you can improve yourself and you can always seek advice when needed. Try to get a mentor in your career or even in your other activities.

I've been blessed with a mentor at every stage of my life. These people are just there to help me out whenever I need their help. My parents were always there to guide me in everything that I do. At work I meet bosses or colleagues who are so ever willing to guide or to share. In Toastmasters I have mentors that help me improve myself. I meet friends every where and their endless words of advice and encouragements gives me the strength and support to move forward. I love you guys!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

ADA #8 - Make work work for you

ADA #8 - Make work work for you

If you don't enjoy your job but don't feel you have a choice about giving up for something else, don't fall into the trap of wasting your time. If you have to stay in your job, work hard and try to find a niche within it that suits you.

eg: you can volunteer to organize the company pot luck lunch or volunteer to start an in house news letter.

Not everyone is born with a silver spoon and can't leave a job anytime they want. There is all those commitments, bills etc and thus, we have to continue on with our jobs. If you can't throw in the letter, do it! You'll feel much better and more confident of yourself (exactly what happened to me a year ago).

But if you can't, just relax and find ways to help yourself out of the rut (I had to stay on for 1 whole year before I finally quit). So what can you do? Find different ways of doing things differently, to give you the variety. Have different drinks at tea time, rearrange your workspace every week, wear different styles every week or simply, change the wall paper on your PC.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Be positive

ADA - # 7 . Be positive
Its really easy to assume that the world doesn't understand you, but take a minute to think about things from the other person's point of view. But yourself in their shoes. Maybe it is just a misunderstanding and you have made yourself so worked up for nothing. 
So everytime you feel angry at someone, try to think of something positive about them. You will see a great difference with your well being.

Laugh at your self

ADA #6- Laugh at your self

Laughter is the best medicine. Just a laugh a day keeps the doctor away, and I am talking about the deep belly laughs. Every morning, as you look into the mirror while you brush your teeth, start laughing at the face in the mirror. Start with a 'pretend' laugh and it would slowly become a real laugh after a while.

Its a great way to start your day!

I go for laughter yoga once a week. Its where a group of people gather outdoors and laugh for no reason. Yes, we laugh at each other, laugh at our self, laugh at the trees and sky. And others might think we have become 'cookoo' but who cares, we are enjoying it anyway.

So search for a laughter yoga club near you.

Take fish oil

ADA #5 - Take daily supplements of fish oil. It helps improve physical and mental performance.